In TaxSlayer ProWeb, after you've completed all of your office configuration, you are ready to begin preparing tax returns!
To start a new tax return in TaxSlayer ProWeb, from your office Welcome Page select:
- Start New 20xx Tax Return
- Enter the taxpayer's SSN twice, then click the blue Start Return button.
If you're viewing the Client List, you can also begin a new return by clicking the blue Create 20xx Return button at the bottom right of Client List.
When you log in to ProWeb, by default you are working in the current tax year (indicated at the top left of the Welcome page). To change the tax year click the Change Tax Year drop down menu at the top right.
Note: You may experience technical difficulties if you start a return but don't enter all the required information in the Personal Information window. Before exiting a return, we strongly recommend entering all the required info in Personal Information before exiting the return.
Additional Information:
ProWeb: New User Training Videos
ProWeb: Why is a new return opening to a blank window?
Can I create a return pulling info from prior year and still use the Taxes To Go Mobile App?