Note: State amended returns for tax years prior to 2024 prepared in TaxSlayer ProWeb cannot be electronically filed. Beginning in 2024, a state amended return can be electronically filed if the state has made provision for it to be e-filed.
If you are amending a return that was created by someone else, follow the guidance here rather than the guidance in this article.
Important: Before beginning the amending process, print a copy of the return (to PDF or paper). This is done for two reasons:
- To have a copy of the return as it was originally filed for archival purposes as well as to help you restore the return to the way it looked should you need to reverse the amending process.
- To allow the program to enter information in the Form 1040-X Original column. TaxSlayer Pro will complete the Original column in Form 1040-X if the original return was electronically filed and accepted by the IRS through TaxSlayer Pro from the same office and if it has been printed.
Start the Amended Return
- Select the option "20XX Amended Return" from within the tax return to file an amended return for this year’s tax return.
The program will open the Amended Tax Return - Form 1040X Menu. There will be seven menu options to select from. For detailed step-by-step instructions on preparing an Amended Return start by selecting How to Amend Your Return.
- To begin an amended return, first populate the Original column Information. The program will autopopulate the Original column if the original return was submitted electronically through TaxSlayer Pro from the same office and was accepted by the IRS, and has been printed. Otherwise, you will need to manually input the original return numbers in this column.
- After finishing the Original Column, select the Continue button to navigate back to the Amended Tax Return – 1040X Menu.
- Select Make Corrections for Amended Return and then select the Continue button. This will navigate to the Income page of the tax return. From here, navigate to wherever you need to go to edit or enter information that was incorrect or omitted on the originally filed return.
- Return to the Amended Tax Return – Form 1040X menu
Explain Changes
- Select the BEGIN button next to Explain Changes to enter an explanation for amending the original tax return. Be descriptive and make sure to list each change that appears on the form. After entering these explanations, select Continue.
Create an Amended State Return
- Select Amended State Return(s) to make changes to the accepted state tax return. Click on Edit Amended, next to the state return that requires changes. Return to this menu later if more than one state needs to be amended.
- Select Amended Return, located at the bottom of the state return.
- Answer the questions: To create Form …., amended tax return, select YES and complete the additional section below.
- Click Begin next to Review and Complete Amended Return.
- Enter the required information and Explanation of Changes and click Save through to the State Main Menu.
- Exit the State Return.
Note: Make sure all city, school district, or county tax returns are completed within the appropriate state(s).
E-File the Amended Return
Amended returns for the current tax year and two prior tax years can be filed electronically. Older amended returns will need to be mailed with a copy of the original return attached. See the Form 1040-X instructions for directions on how to assemble the information being sent to the IRS.