Fee Setup in Configuration has several purposes:
- Setting a minimum and maximum preparer fee for a tax return.
- Specifying the amount charge for each federal and state form or schedule.
- Setting your own custom fees and discounts.
For example, an office may charge a minimum preparer fee of $100, a Custom Fee of $20 for complex returns, and provide a Custom Discount of $50 for Active Military.
Other than the maximum preparer fee, using any of these features is optional. Maximum Preparer Fee must be set to a number greater than zero.
To set your office's preparation fees, from the ProWeb Welcome page select:
- Configuration
- Fees Setup
- Set the Minimum Preparer Fee and Maximum Preparer Fee as desired.
Important: Maximum Preparer Fee must be greater than zero. - The list is long, so it can be narrowed in a few ways:
- Click the Federal Forms button to narrow the list to only federal forms
- Click the State Forms button and choose the state to narrow the list to that state
- Use the Search field to narrow to a particular form number or keyword in the form's title
- Two buttons are provided that allow for quickly changing a group of fees:
- +Set Range - use this to quickly assign a single fee to a group of forms that fall in consecutive order in the list.
- +Increase/Decrease - use this to adjust the fee for all forms.
- There is no Save button - fees are adjusted immediately.
- When you're finished, click Return
To create Custom Fees and Custom Discounts from the Configuration menu:
- Click Custom Fees and Discounts
- Click +Add Custom Fee or +Add Custom Discount
- Set the amount for the fee or discount.
- Give it a name.
- Evaluate three check boxes:
- Charge By Default will automatically assign the fee and/or discount to every return.
- Allow to be Removed allows the preparer to remove a fee and/or discount on Efile page of a return.
- Can Edit Fee On Return allows the preparer the ability to adjust the fee and/or discount amount on the Efile page of a return.
Additional Information:
ProWeb - Office Setup Menu Options