TaxSlayer ProWeb has several print sets built in ready to use, but you can create additional print sets as desired. Examples:
- A print set for printing only Form 9325, Acknowledgement and General Information for Taxpayers Who File Returns Electronically.
- A print set for printing only Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.
- A print set for printing the return with a "File Copy Only" watermark.
To create a custom Print Set, from the Welcome Menu in your office, select:
- Configuration
- Print Sets
- Click
- Print Set Name - Enter a name that's meaningful to describe the print set, e.g., "File Copy Only" or "Form 9325".
- Indicate the number of copies for each form, document, or schedule to include in the print set. There are several ways to do this: (a) you can click the blue button to specify a range of forms to assign a quantity to, (b) you can filter the list by state if you're working on just a state, or (c), you can scroll through the list and individually enter an amount on each form line included in the set.
When finished, click the blue Save button at the bottom of the page. If you want the print set to be watermarked "File Copy Only - Do Not Mail", click the check box for that option.
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