In TaxSlayer ProWeb, to electronically file only the state return you'll indicate that in the E-File section of the return. Two additional things are also required:
- The federal return must also be marked for electronic filing;
- The return must be marked complete.
When filed together, the state return "piggybacks" with the federal return, but if the return is marked "state only" the IRS doesn't process the federal return but only forwards the state return(s) to the state(s).
To electronically file a state-only return in TaxSlayer ProWeb, from within the return:
- Select E-File in the left menu of the program, or if you are on the Calculation Summary page click Continue.
- For the Federal return, select the type of transmission. (The Federal return type must be selected even though you are filing only the state return.)
- Check the box next to Only Transmit the State Return(s).
- For the state return, select the type of transmission.
- Complete the remainder of the menu items on the page as needed, then click Continue.
Exceptions to filing only the state return
The following states do not allow state-only filing:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Mississippi, but allowed if you also have the federal acknowledgement.
- Oklahoma
If you wish to electronically file any of these state returns, you must e-file the federal return at the same time or, in the case of Mississippi, have a federal acceptance.
Additional Information: