Form 4868 is used to extend the time to file an individual tax return. Unless extended by Congress the normal due date for individual tax returns to be filed is April 15th. Form 4868 extends the due date by 6 months to October 15, unless Congress also extends it further.
Taxpayers who are out of the country on the filing deadline have an automatic 2-month filing extension and have until June 15 to file Form 4868 to request an additional 4 months extension.
An alternative extension request is Form 2350. This form is the equivalent of Form 4868 if the taxpayer is
- is living out of the country, and
- expects to file Form 2555 but needs time to meet either the bona fide resident test or the physical presence test to qualify for the foreign earned income exclusion and/or the foreign housing exclusion or deduction.
In this context, the phrase "out of the country" means
- the taxpayer both lives and works outside the U.S. or Puerto Rico,
or - the taxpayer is in military or naval service on duty outside the U.S. or Puerto Rico.
Filing an extension request only extends the filing deadline. It does not extend the time the taxpayer has to pay any amount that may be due.
Even if the extension is filed, if payment is not received by the deadline the taxpayer may still incur interest and penalties associated with late payment. To be considered timely paid, the IRS must receive the taxpayer's payment on or before the April 15 due date. An electronic payment request can be sent with the extension, or the payment can be made online at
Accessing the Extension Menu in the tax program
An extension can be created on its own or within a tax return that has already been started.
To create an extension on its own, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro either:
- Select the Extensions icon in the tool bar at the top of the program:
or navigate to - E-file
- Automatic Extension Application (Form 4868)
To create an extension from within an individual tax return, from the Main Menu of the return (Form 1040) select:
- Miscellaneous Forms
- Automatic Extension Form (4868)
To create an extension for a state, you must create the federal return and the state return. Create the state extension within the state return and mark it for electronic filing, after which it will appear in the extension transmission table. If filing both a federal and a state extension, there will be two separate entries in the extension transmission table.
Create or Edit Extension
Enter the SSN of the client requesting the extension. Select YES when asked if you would like to create a new extension. If you have already started the tax return and entered personal and financial data, the program will pull the information into the extension. If you have not started the tax return, you will be prompted to enter the client’s information.
- On the Electronic Extension Personal Info Menu verify all information is correct, then select Exit
- Once the required information has been entered, you will be directed to the Form 4868 Extension Menu. This menu contains all of the estimates you will be sending to the IRS.
Note: Payments will NOT be sent if they are not entered in the electronic payment menu.
Transmit Electronic Extension
Before an extension can be e-filed, all the information for the client who is filing the extension must be entered on Form 4868. Once the information is entered and marked for electronic filing, the extension will appear in the extensions transmission table.
To transmit an extension, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- E-File
- Automatic Extension Application (Form 4868)
- Transmit Electronic Extension(The client’s name will appear in the list.)
- Select Transmit and follow the onscreen prompts to e-file the extension.
Note: Filing an extension does not give the taxpayer more time to pay. The extension only allows the taxpayer extra time to submit their return.
Print Extensions
In addition to printing Form 4868 from within the tax return, there are two ways to print Form 4868 outside of the tax return.
To print Form 4868 from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Print Individual Extensions
- Select the client(s) to print and select Ok
Also from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- E-file
- Automatic Extension Application (Form 4868)
- Print Extensions
- Select the client(s) to print and select Ok
Print the E-File Signature Form 8878
Form 8878, IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Form 4868 or Form 2350, is printed from within the extension request menu itself. From the Form 4868 Extension Menu select:
- Send Extension Electronically? - change answer from NO to YES
- Form 4868 Electronic Payment
View icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen (a black magnifying glass prior to 2019).
Note: Select Remove Electronic Payment to get out of this menu if you're not entering electronic payment information.
Note: Removing the payment from the form 4868 will remove the 8878 from the return.
View Extension Status
To check the status of an extension, first receive acknowledgements (see below), and then from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- E-File
- Automatic Extension Application (Form 4868)
- View Extension Status
- Enter the taxpayer's social security number or select the (...) button next to the Primary SSN box for a complete list of taxpayers with extensions. Each tab contains information about the client's extension request that will help you determine the current status of the request:
- IRS: This tab shows the transmission date, IRS acceptance and date, and extension information.
- Acks: This tab shows the acknowledgements that have been received from the IRS. All acceptance and rejection acknowledgements will be in this view.
- State: This tab shows the acknowledgements that have been received from the state(s).
- Print: Select this option to print the extension status summary.
Backup Extensions
Use this option to backup extensions to a removable drive. Select the drive that you want to back up the extensions to, then select the clients you wish to back up. Once you select OK, the extensions will be backed up to your removable drive.
Recall Extensions
Use this option to recall previously backed up extensions. Select the drive that contains the extensions you would like to recall, then select the clients. Once you select OK, the extensions will be available on your computer.
Extension Reports
Below is a brief description of the menu choices on the screen for extension reports:
- Print All Extensions: Prints all extensions that have been entered
- Print Paper Extensions: Prints all extensions that have NOT been marked electronic
- Print Electronic Extensions: Prints all extensions that have been marked electronic
- Print Accepted Extensions: Prints all extensions that have an acceptance acknowledgement from the IRS
- Print Not Accepted Extensions: Prints all rejected extensions and transmitted extensions that do not have a response from the IRS
- Print Extension Filed, Return Not Completed: Prints all extensions that have been e-filed that do not have an individual tax return marked as complete
- Print Report or Labels: Prints a report with name, SSN, and IRS acceptance or prints a mailing label with name and address only
Extensions FAQ
How do I include an Electronic Payment (Direct Debit) of the tax due?
To send an electronic payment with Form 4868, you first need to toggle Send Extension Electronically to YES, then select Form 4868 Electronic Payment and enter taxpayer's bank account and other required information.
How do I receive acknowledgements for an Electronic Extension?
Acknowledgements for extensions are received in the same manner that you receive individual acknowledgements. From the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- E-file
- Receive Acknowledgements Only - When the Connection Window appears, select Connect.
- After Acknowledgements are retrieved, select Exit when prompted.
- You will receive a message indicating that you have Reports To Print.
- Select Print Reports - Items with arrows (>>) beside them should be selected and printed to complete processing of the Acknowledgements.
The acknowledgment report will display an acceptance or rejection code if the extension was rejected, and in most cases you'll see an explanation of the reject code.
Note: If an extension is rejected by the IRS, it can be corrected and re-transmitted within 5 days after the original filing deadline and still be considered timely filed. Before refiling the extension request, if you have attached payment information be sure to adjust the date of debit.
Additional Information: