TaxSlayer Pro includes ten premade individual return print options for the most common printing scenarios, and all can be changed as desired, choosing how many copies of the different documents, forms, and schedules you wish to print.
You can also create up to five additional individual print options, specifying the exact forms and number of copies that will print for the option. Examples of options that you can create:
- An individual print option that prints only Form 1040 and the major schedules.
- An option that prints only tax forms, omitting documents such as the invoice, the client letter, and the client form listing summary.
- An option where every form is watermarked "File Copy Only".
- When creating or editing a print option, pay attention to the drop-down menu at the top of the window to ensure that the option you are editing is the one you want to edit.
- The three check box options apply to the option selected in the drop-down menu to their left.
- If federal Schedule A is selected to print in an individual print option, it won't print if the return is utilizing the standard deduction unless Schedule A has been set to always print in Advanced Print Setup. See here for how to indicate that.
How To Edit An Existing Individual Print Option
To edit the default print options, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Configuration
- Printer/Copies Setup
- Edit Individual Print Options
- Select the Print Option that you would like to edit from the drop-down menu at the top of the window. In the example below from the Individual Print Options, "ONE COPY FEDERAL AND STATE" is selected:
- Select the page or form that you would like to edit:
- Enter the number of copies that you would like to include in this option.
If you change the number of copies to zero, you will be asked "Would you like to clear the number of copies for all print options?". Answer NO to only zero out the form in this print option. Answering YES will zero out the form in all print options.
When you are finished editing all the print options that you wish to change, select Done at the bottom of the window.
How To Create A New Print Option
A custom individual print option can also be added to print the forms and number of copies you specify. To add a new print option, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Configuration
- Printer/Copies Setup
- Edit Individual Print Options
- Select the drop-down arrow on the Print Title box at the top of the screen, then choose unused option, e.g., "OPTION K".
- Assign the number of copies of each form. You can select forms individually, or if you want to add many forms you can click the Set Range button at the bottom of the window to set a number of copies for a range of forms in the list.
- Double-click the title and rename it. (You can give the option any name you want except that it should not begin with the six letters "OPTION").
When finished with this menu, select Done to exit.
The custom print option created here will be available in all the places you can print:
- Within a return, selecting Print Return under the View Results menu
- From the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro:
- in Print Individual Returns under the Print menu
- in View Returns
Print Option Check Boxes
There are three check boxes that affect how the forms and schedules in the print option print:
File Copy Print Option - If checked, every page will print with a watermark "File Copy Only - Do Not Mail".
Collate Print Option - If checked, multiple copies of the same form will print separate from each other, separated by how many other copies of this and other forms are being printed. If unchecked, multiple copies of the same form will print next to each other.
Masked Print Option - If checked, the first five numbers in the SSN and EIN will be masked with Xs.
Additional Information:
Desktop: Printing a "File Copy Only" Version of a Tax Return