If you prepare business tax returns in TaxSlayer Pro, we recommend periodically running a Returns Not Accepted Report to identify business returns that have been marked complete but that have not yet been accepted by the IRS, either because they haven't been transmitted or they have been transmitted but rejected.
There are three reports: one showing federal returns not accepted, another for state returns not accepted, and a third for electronic extension requests not accepted.
To print a business Returns Not Accepted Report, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Business
- Electronic Filing Menu
- Print Reports
- Returns Not Accepted
Returns Not Accepted Report or
State Returns Not Accepted Report or
Electronic Extensions Not Accepted Report
The selected report will display on-screen in PDF form. Every business return that has been marked as complete but has either been rejected or not yet transmitted will be listed on the report. See below for more info about each report.
Returns Not Accepted Report
The Returns Not Accepted Report has the following columns of information:
- EIN - The 9-digit EIN on the return.
- Company - The name of the entity on the return.
- Office - The EFIN under which the return was transmitted.
- Prep - The preparer code on the return.
- Type - Paper or Electronic.
- A/R - The federal return's status, whether Accepted or Rejected.
- Tran Date - The last transmission date.
State Returns Not Accepted Report
The State Returns Not Accepted Report has the following columns of information:
- EIN - The 9-digit EIN on the return.
- Company - The name of the entity on the return.
- Office - The EFIN under which the return was transmitted.
- Prep - The preparer code on the return.
- State - Two-letter abbreviation for the state.
- Type - Paper or Electronic.
- State A/R - The state return's status, whether Accepted or Rejected.
- Fed A/R - The federal return's status, whether Accepted or Rejected.
- Tran Date - The last transmission date.
Electronic Extensions Not Accepted Report
- EIN - The 9-digit EIN on the return.
- Company - The name of the entity on the return.
- Office - The EFIN under which the return was transmitted.
- Acc Code - Accepted or Rejected.
- Tran Date - The last transmission date.
- State - Two-letter abbreviation for the state.
In determining why a return is listed on the report, look at the A/R column (or Acc Code column for extensions) Tran Date column. An R in the Acceptance Code column indicates the return has been rejected by the IRS or state. To determine the reason the return was rejected, either review your business acknowledgements for the reject code or use View Entity Status from the Business Main Menu.
If a return does not have a code in the Acceptance Code column, look at the Transmission Date column. If there is no date listed, this return has not been transmitted. You will need to transmit the return.
Additional Information:
Desktop: Receiving Acknowledgments for Business Returns
Desktop: Rehang Acknowledgements - Business Returns
View Entity Status - Checking the Status of a Business Return