In TaxSlayer Pro, to print reports related to business returns from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Business
- Electronic Filing Menu
- Print Reports
Transmission and Acknowledgement Reports
The first four reports relate to the electronic transmissions themselves:
- Transmission Confirmation
- IRS Acknowledgements
- State Acknowledgements
- Invalid Returns
The presence of double arrows (>>) next to a report indicates that a new report is available to print subsequent to either e-filing or receiving acknowledgements.
Returns Not Accepted
This report lists all the returns marked for electronic filing that have not yet been accepted by the IRS.
Returns on Extension
This report lists all the returns that have had an extension created for them, and also shows the transmission date and whether or not the extension has been accepted or rejected.
Returns Accepted YTD
This report lists all the e-filed returns that have been accepted.
Specialized Reports
The Specialized Master Detail Report can be used to provide a listing of different business return types and also includes returns that haven't been electronically filed.
Five menus with options are available:
- Type of Entity: All Entities, Form 1120, Form 1120-S, Form 1065, Form 1041, Form 990, Form 990-EZ, Form 990-PF, Form 990-T, Form 706, Form 709.
- Type of Business Return: All Return Types, Paper Returns, All Electronic Returns, E-Mail Returns (returns with zero balance or refund being paid by check), Direct Deposit Returns, Direct Debit Returns.
- Preparer from: Enter a Beginning and Ending Preparer Code.
- Date Range: Enter the Beginning and Ending Date.
- Type of Master Report: Detailed Master Report, Secure Detailed Master Report (the Detailed Master Report minus the entity name), Summary Master Report, or Labels.
After selecting the report options, select Print Master Report Using above Info and answer YES to the question View/Print Specialized Master Report Using the Parameters Entered? The report will print to paper or PDF, depending on your print configuration.
Additional/Old Reports
Under this menu is the historical info for the four transmission and acknowledgement reports. If you need to see historical info for these reports, select the report here.