If you are unable to login to your ProWeb office, please use these tips to regain access.
Has your ProWeb office been created yet?
If you are new to TaxSlayer Pro, you will need to create your online ProWeb login through your Account Hub. For guidance on creating a ProWeb Account, click here.
Are you using the correct Username and/or Password?
Forgotten or mistyped usernames or passwords are the most common reasons that users cannot access their accounts. Select Forgot Username and/or Forgot Password to ensure you are using the correct combination.
Is your Username marked "Active" in the Preparer Menu?
If you see a message that your username is not active or has been disabled, see if there is anyone else in your office who can do the following steps:
- Log in
- Navigate to the Preparer Menu
- Check the Active check box for your username
If no one in your office has access to the program, or you are the only one in your office and you don't have access, contact TaxSlayer Pro Support at 706-868-0985. We can help you regain access to your program.
Are you logging in at the correct website?
If the program is not recognizing the username, or displays a message that says Your Username is not active at this location, it is because you are not at the correct website.
Please ensure that you are at online.taxslayerpro.com, unless your office uses a branded URL. If you use a branded site, make sure that you are at the correct branded URL.
Are you being told "You cannot login from this location"?
If you see a message in red telling you "You cannot login from this location" followed by your IP address, most likely IP address verification has been enabled in Office Setup, and either (a) your IP address is not in the list of allowed addresses or (b) IP address verification has been enabled in error.
If no one in your office has access to the program, or you are the only one in your office and you don't have access, contact TaxSlayer Pro Support at 706-868-0985. We can help you regain access to your program.
Otherwise, if someone is logged in and able to access Office Setup under Configuration, have them uncheck "Force Verification of IP Address" if it's been enabled in error or add the IP address to the IP Address Whitelist menu under Configuration.