Reject Code: F1040NR-036-05
The sum of Form 1040NR, ['WithholdingTaxAmt' and 'WithholdingTxFrom8805Amt' and 'WithholdingTxFrom8288AAmt' and 'WithholdingTxFrom1042SAmt'] must be less than the sum of the following: ['WagesSalariesAndTipsAmt' and 'TaxableInterestAmt' and 'OrdinaryDividendsAmt' and ('IRADistributionsAmt' or 'TaxableIRAAmt') and ('PensionsAnnuitiesAmt' or 'TotalTaxablePensionsAmt') and 'TreatyTaxExemptUSIncomeAmt' and Schedule 1 (Form 1040), ('UnemploymentCompAmt' and 'TotalOtherIncomeAmt') and all Schedule C (Form 1040), 'TotalGrossReceiptsAmt' and the sum of Schedule NEC (Form1040-NR), 'TotalIncomeAmt' in ['IncomeTaxRt10UndTrtyRuleGrp' and 'IncomeTaxRt15UndTrtyRuleGrp' and 'IncomeTaxRt30UndTrtyRuleGrp' and 'IncomeTaxRtOthUndTrtyRuleGrp' and 'IncomeTaxRtOth2UndTrtyRuleGrp']] unless [(1) Schedule 1 (Form 1040), 'NetFarmProfitLossAmt' has a non-zero value or (2) Schedule D (Form 1040) or Schedule E (Form 1040) or Form 4797 is present in the return].
Reject Code F1040NR-036-05 indicates that withholdings on dispositions by foreign persons have been entered on Form 8288-A, but the income related to the withholdings has not been entered on the return.
To correct this reject add the income that was related to withholdings to the appropriate income menu in Form 1040-NR.
Additional Information:
Desktop: Form 1040-NR - U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
ProWeb: Form 1040-NR - U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
IRS: Instructions for Form 1040-NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return