Reject Code: FPYMT-095
If the timestamp (in the GTX key or Response to Send Submissions Request) is on or before the due date of the return (three and one half months after the 'TaxPeriodEndDt' in the Return Header if the month in the 'TaxPeriodEndDt' is not equal to June), then the 'RequestPaymentDt' in the "IRS Payment" [IRS Payment] must be on the due date or before the due date but not more than 5 days prior to the received date.
A business return getting this reject includes direct debit payment information, but the payment date is too far in the past. Fixing the return involves updating the payment date in the electronic filing record.
Form 1120 or Form 1041
From the Main Menu of the return select:
- Mark Return Electronic
- Direct Debit Date - If you're e-filing today, the simplest thing is to change the date to today.
When finished, exit the return and retransmit it.