Reject Code: F1040-164-01
Form 8862 must be present in the return with Earned Income Credit Claimed Indicator checked. The e-File database indicates the taxpayer must file Form 8862 to claim Earned Income Credit after disallowance.
Reject Code F1040-164-01 occurs when a tax return containing earned income credit is electronically filed, and the IRS database has flagged the taxpayer as having been disallowed to claim the credit in a prior year. Form 8862 must be completed and included with the tax return.
Correcting Reject F1040-164-01
To access Form 8862, from the Federal Section of the tax return (Form 1040), select:
- Deductions
- Credits
- Claiming Certain Credits After Disallowance
- Information to Claim Certain Credits After Disallowance
- Claim EIC After Disallowance
After all information has been filled out on Form 8862, the return can be filed electronically
Additional Information:
IRS Instructions for Form 8862 - Information to Claim Certain Credits After Disallowance