Reject Code FW2-001-02 generally occurs when a W-2 has been entered in the return and marked as a statutory employee W-2, but no Schedule C has been associated with the W-2. Wages from a W-2 marked as a statutory employee W-2 are not included in the income reported on Form 1040, line 1. Earnings as a statutory employee must be reported as income in Schedule C.
Desktop - How to Correct Reject FW2-001-02 - For instructions on how to correctly report Statutory Employee income, click here.
ProWeb - How to Correct Reject FW2-001-02 - For instructions on how to correctly report Statutory Employee income, click here.
Additional Information:
IRS Instructions for Schedule C
Common Form 1040 IRS e-File Reject Codes
Common Form 1120 IRS e-File Reject Codes