If you prepare and electronically file tax returns using TaxSlayer Pro, you are an Electronic Return Originator (ERO), and when applying for an Electronic Filer Identification Number (EFIN) at the IRS website you will choose ERO from among the Provider Options.
The IRS doesn't see you as an ERO, however, if you electronically file a tax return and receive this reject:
If first two digits of the EFIN in the IRS Submission Manifest are 10, 21, 32, 44 or 53,
then 'OriginatorTypeCd' in the Return Header must have the value "OnlineFiler"
This reject indicates that when applying for an EFIN you chose Online Provider in error rather than ERO. An Online Provider provides software for taxpayers to self-prepare their own tax returns and electronically file them. The EFIN the IRS provided you cannot be used by an ERO.
Call the IRS E-file Help Desk to see if they can assist you in quickly obtaining an EFIN that can be used by an ERO.
Additional Information:
IRS: Publication 3112, IRS e-file Application & Participation
IRS: Publication 1345, Authorized IRS e-file Providers of Individual Income Tax Returns