Client Detail Report - To view a list of clients who received child tax credit on their prior year return and may have been eligible for advance payments of their 2021 child tax credit, from the main menu of the program select:
- Reports
- Client Reports
- Select Credits: Child Tax Credit
- Select View
- To export the report to excel, from the dropdown Report Type list, select Export to Microsoft Excel File, then select View. You will be prompted to select which fields you would like to include on the report. Next you'll be prompted to save the file to your computer in the location that you select.
Production Detail Report - To view a list of all clients, and sort by those who received the child tax credit, from the main menu of the program select:
- Reports
- Additional Reports Menu
- Production Detail Report - After the report data loads, you will be prompted to save the file to your computer in the location that you select. Child tax credit amounts can be found in Column S.