Virginia individual income tax forms supported in TaxSlayer Pro:
Form 760 - Individual Income Tax Return
Form 760C - Underpayment of Est. Tax by Individuals
Form 760F - Underpayment of Est. Tax by Farmers, Fishermen, and Merchant Seamen
Form 760ES - Estimated Income Tax Payment Voucher
Form 760-PFF - Payment Coupon For Farmers, Fishermen, and Merchant Seamen
Form 760-PMT - Payment Coupon For Individuals
Form 760IP - Automatic Extension Payment Voucher
Form 760PY - Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return
Form 760PY - Schedule of Income
Form 760PY ADJ - Schedule of Adjustments for Part-Year Residents
Form 760PY ADJS - Supplemental Schedule for 760PY ADJ
Form 763 - Nonresident Income Tax Return
Form 763-S - Special Nonresident Claim For Individual Income Tax Withheld
Form VA-8879 - e-File Signature Authorization
Form 502FED-1 (Federal Adjustments Report)
Schedule A - Itemized Deductions
Schedule ADJ - Schedule of Adjustments
Schedule ADJS - Supplemental Schedule for ADJ
Schedule CR - Credit Computation Schedule
Schedule FED - Schedule of Federal Information (Sch C, Sch F, 2106, 4562)
Schedule INC - Substitute Form For VA Withholding
Schedule NPY - Schedule of Adjustments For Nonresident or Part-Year Resident
Schedule OSC - Credit for Tax Paid to Another State
Schedule VAC - Virginia Contributions Schedule
Age 65 And Older Deduction Worksheet (Resident)
Age 65 And Older Deduction Worksheet (Part-Year)
Age 65 And Older Deduction Worksheet (Nonresident)
Itemized Deduction Worksheet (Resident)
Itemized Deduction Worksheet (Part-Year)
Itemized Deduction Worksheet (Nonresident)
Spouse Tax Adjustment Worksheet
Overflow Statement
Additional Information:
Virginia State Tax Information