Pennsylvania individual income tax forms supported in TaxSlayer Pro:
Form PA-40 - Income Tax Return
Form PA-40ES - Declaration of Estimated Income Tax
Form PA-8453 - Declaration For Electronic Filing
Form PA-8879 - e-file Signature Authorization
Form PA-V - Payment Voucher
Form REV-276 - Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File
Form REV-1630 - Underpayment of Estimated Tax
Form REV-1882 - Health Insurance Coverage Information Request
Form F-1 - Annual Local Earned Income Tax Return (Berkheimer)
PA-1000 - Property Tax or Rent Rebate Claim
PA-1000 Schedule A - Deceased Claimant and/or Multiple Home Prorations
PA-1000 Schedule B/D/E - Widow or Widower/Public Assistance/Business Use Prorations
PA-1000 Schedule F/G - Multiple Owner or Lessor Prorations/Income Annualization
PA-1000 Schedule RC - PA Rent Certificate and Rental Occupancy Affidavit
Schedule PA-40X - Amended Personal Income Tax
Schedule A - Interest Income
Schedule B - Dividend Income
Schedule C - Profit or Loss From Business or Profession
Schedule D - Sale, Exchange or Disposition of Property
Schedule E - Rents and Royalty Income (Loss)
Schedule F - Farm Income and Expenses
Schedule G-L - Credit for Taxes Paid to Other States
Schedule J - Income from Estates or Trusts
Schedule NRH - Compensation Apportionment
Schedule O - Other Deductions
Schedule OC - Other Credits
Schedule P - Refund Donations to Pennsylvania 529 College Savings Plans
Schedule SP - Special Tax Forgiveness
Schedule T - Gambling and Lottery Winnings
Schedule UE - Allowable Employee Business Expenses
Schedule RK-1 - Resident Scorp\Partnership
Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Scorp\Partnership
Schedule 41 RK-1 -Resident Schedule of Beneficiary Income and Credits Schedule
41 NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Beneficiary Income and Credits
RCT-101 - Corporate Net Income Tax Report
RCT-101-I - Inactive PA Corporate Net Income Tax Report
RCT-103 - NOL Schedule
RCT-106 - Determination of Apportionment Percentage
PA Local Earned Income Tax
Schedule W-2S - Wage Statement Summary - obsolete after tax year 2019
City of Philadelphia
The following forms can be electronically filed in TaxSlayer Pro Desktop only:
Philadelphia BIRT-EZ - Business Income & Receipts Tax
Philadelphia BIRT - Business Income & Receipts Tax
Philadelphia BIRT - Payment Coupon
Philadelphia BIRT - Extension Payment Coupon
Philadelphia NPT - Net Profits Tax
Philadelphia NPT - Payment Coupon
Philadelphia NPT - Extension Payment Coupon
Philadelphia NPT - Estimated Payment Coupon
Philadelphia SIT - School Income Tax
Philadelphia SIT - Payment Coupon
Philadelphia SIT - Extension Payment Coupon
The following forms can not be electronically filed and must be mailed:
Philadelphia EET - Employee Earnings Tax
Philadelphia EET - Payment Coupon
Additional Information:
Pennsylvania State Tax Information
Pennsylvania Supported Business Forms