Montana individual income tax forms supported in TaxSlayer Pro:
Form 2 - Individual Income Tax Return
Additions Schedule
Subtractions Schedule
Pension and Annuity / Taxable Social Security Benefits
Standard Deduction / Itemized Deductions Schedule
Tax Liability Schedule / Nonresident/Part-Year Ratio Schedule
Nonrefundable Credits / Credit for Income Tax Paid to Another State or Country
Other Payments and Refundable Credits /
Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit Schedule
Contributions, Penalties, and Interest Schedule
Calculation of Interest on Underpayment of Estimated Taxes
MT-529 Schedule
Form CC - College Contribution Credit
Form ENRG-A - Geothermal System Credit
Form ENRG-B - Alternative Energy System Credit
Form ENRG-C - Energy Conservation Installation Credit
Form EST-I - Underpayment of Estimated Tax
Disability Exemption Worksheet
Form 2441-M - Child and Dependent Care Expense Deduction
MT Form ECC - Elderly Cate Credit
MT Form NOL - Net Operating Loss
Form QEC - Qualified Endowment Credit
Form ETM - Enrolled Tribal Member Exempt Income Certification
Form-IT - Payment Voucher
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