Wisconsin individual income tax forms supported in TaxSlayer Pro:
Form 1 - Resident Income Tax Return
Form 1-ES - Estimated Income Tax Voucher
Form 1NPR - Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return
Form 804 - Claim for Decedent’s Wisconsin Income Tax Refund
Form EIC-A - Earned Income Credit
Form EPV - Electronic Payment Voucher
Form W-RA - Required Attachments For Electronic Filing
Schedule 2-K1 - Beneficiary's Share of Income, Deductions, etc.
Schedule 3-K1 - Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, etc.
Schedule 5-K1 - Corporation Shareholder's Share of Income, Deductions, etc.
Schedule AD- Additions to Income
Schedule AR - Explanation of Amended Return
Schedule BD - Business Development Credit
Schedule CF - Carryforward of Unused Credits
Schedule CR - Other Credits
Schedule CS - College Savings Accounts (Edvest and Tomorrow’s Scholar)
Schedule DC - Development Zones Credits
Schedule DE - Disregarded Entity Schedule
Schedule EC - Enterprise Zone Jobs Credit
Schedule ED - Economic Development Tax Credit
Schedule FC - Farmland Preservation Credit (before July, 2009)
Schedule FC-A - Farmland Preservation Credit (after June, 2009)
Schedule GL - Gain or Loss on the Sale of Your Home
Schedule H - Wisconsin Homestead Credit
Schedule HR - Historic Rehabilitation Credits
Schedule I - Adjustments to Convert 2018 Federal AGI and Itemized Deductions
Schedule JT - Jobs Tax Credit
Schedule LI - Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
Schedule M - Additions to and Subtractions from Income
Schedule MA-A - Agricultural Credit
Schedule MA-M - Manufacturing Credit
Schedule MT - Alternative Minimum Tax
Schedule OS - Credit for Net Tax Paid to Another State
Schedule PS - Private School Tuition 2018 Wisconsin
Schedule R - Research Credits
Schedule S - Allocation of Income to be Reported by Same-Sex Couples
Schedule SB - Subtractions from Income
Schedule TC - Technology Zone Credit
Schedule U - Underpayment of Estimated Tax
Schedule VC - Venture Capital Credits
Schedule WD - Capital Gains and Losses
Schedule 2440W - Disability Income Exclusion
Homestead Credit Notes and Attachments Checklist
Legal Residence (Domicile) Questionnaire
Property Tax Bill / Closing Statement and Sale of Home Information
Rent Certificate
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