Error Message - Cannot Access Network Specific Files
In TaxSlayer Pro 2015 and prior years, this message is displayed when a workstation computer is no longer communicating with the transmitting computer. Listed below are several reasons you might receive this message:
- A wireless network may have lost connection and/or has connection speeds that are fluctuating.
- The router is down and/or not working properly.
- The transmitting computer is off, asleep and/or no longer connected to the network.
- The workstation is no longer mapped to the transmitting computer.
- The file sharing permissions on the transmitting computer are not set properly.
- The workstation has logged in with a user account that had not been used before on the network and/or computer.
Some of these issues can be resolved by opening the File Explorer and double-clicking the network drive. This drive will show with a red X. If you are prompted for a user name and password, enter a valid user name and password that exists on the transmitting computer (server). You may also need to reboot your router and/or transmitting computer.