If you receive an error containing the word MSXML while in the TaxSlayer Pro program, try the following to correct the issue:
From the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
Configuration Utilities
Register DLL Files - Answer 'NO' when asked if you would like to register all TaxSlayer Pro DLL's and OCX's
Place a check mark in the box next to msxml6.dll; Select 'OK'
A dialog box should appear on the screen stating that the dll registry succeeded
If the above step does not correct the problem, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
Business Utilities
Install MSXML 4.0 for Business E-file - The Install Shield Wizard will come up on the screen. Continue with the on-screen prompts to Install XML 4.0
If you are still receiving an error containing the phrase MSXML after you have completed both of the above steps, please contact TaxSlayer Pro Technical Support at 706.868.0985.