TaxSlayer Pro software supports electronic filing of five business returns:
- Form 1120 - U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return
- Form 1120-S - U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation
- Form 1065 - U.S. Return of Partnership Income
- Form 1041 - U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts
- Form 990 - Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
To mark a business return for electronic filing, from the Main Menu of the return, select:
- Mark Return Electronic
- For Forms 1041 and 1120, select the Return Type as needed:
- Electronic Balance Due or Direct Debit if there is a balance due, or
- Electronic Mailed Check or Direct Deposit if there is a refund.
When you exit the return you will be asked if you are ready to mark the return Complete and ready for transmission. Answer YES if the return is ready to be transmitted. Answer NO if it isn't ready to be transmitted.
Note: Once a return has been marked complete, it cannot be reverted to "uncomplete", and it will be in the Transmission Table to be sent.
To transmit a business return, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Business
- Electronic Filing Menu
- Transmit Electronic Return - Returns that have been marked for electronic filing and marked complete will appear in the Transmission Table.
- Every return in the Transmission Table will be sent. Returns that you do not want to send at this time can be temporarily removed by selecting the Remove Client button.
- Select Transmit.
- You will be asked if you want a printed list of clients to be sent. We recommend printing this report for your records (whether to paper or to PDF). Review the report for accuracy. You will be asked if the information is correct. Answer YES to continue.
- Select Connect to transmit the business return(s) to TaxSlayer Pro.
- When you are prompted to exit the window, select Exit
After transmitting you will receive the message that you have reports to print. In the E-File Print Menu look for a menu line with double arrows beside it. We recommend printing the transmission confirmation report to either paper or PDF as a record of the transmission.
Note: If you do not see a transmission confirmation report, the TaxSlayer Pro secure servers DID NOT receive your transmission. You must re-send the transmission.
The IRS acknowledges returns usually in 10-15 minutes. The IRS does however, reserve the right to wait 24 hours before sending an acknowledgement for any e-filed return.